Bonsy - the new shopping assistant: marktguru's smart app brings order to your finances

Munich, 15 May 2024 - As we all know, keeping things tidy is half the battle. For many people, it's not just about keeping their home, workplace or car tidy, but also about keeping their thoughts organised. One thing that helps is getting an overview of your everyday spending. This is because we are usually no longer able to track our purchases in detail and only scrutinise our spending afterwards: How much did the weekly grocery shopping cost? In which month was the most money spent? How expensive was your favourite product over the course of the year? This and other information offers invaluable added value in times of rising food prices. The Bonsy app now provides answers to these questions and serves as a digital budget book for smart shoppers - completely anonymously and without a link to their own bank account.

Budget book 2.0

Bonsy is the perfect companion for anyone who wants to manage their finances consciously. The smart app uses AI to automatically allocate the products purchased to the respective categories (e.g. fruit, vegetables, snacks, dairy products, beauty & personal care, etc.) and not - as is usual with other budget books - based on the retailer (supermarket, drugstore, etc.) where the purchase was made. This gives shoppers a particularly accurate and detailed breakdown of their spending, which helps them to better plan their own household budget.

It's that simple: With Bonsy, neither products nor retailers need to be entered manually into the app. Simply upload a photo of the receipt to the app and the Bonsy AI will do the rest. It can structure expenses in diagrams and make them available for download in tabular form so that you always have an overview of your expenses and can also track the price trends of products over the course of the year. The whole thing works without a connection to your own bank account and is completely anonymous at every stage. Personal financial information is never passed on to advertising networks. The Bonsy AI only uses it for statistical analyses of a large number of users.

With its wide range of options, the app can cater to the different needs of users. Bonsy not only serves as a digital budget book, with Bonsy users become absolute smart shoppers. See for yourself: Bonsy is available free of charge in both the App Store and the Google Play Store.


Patrick Schmid

Communication Commerce & Ventures

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