SevenAccelerator invests in nucao

Unterföhring, 23.10.2023 – SevenAccelerator takes a stake in the nu company GmbH, the company behind the successful chocolate brand nucao, via a media investment in the mid-single-digit millions. The start-up from Leipzig has set itself the goal of sustainably changing the chocolate market - with organic chocolate products that are not only vegan, but also rely on ecologically sustainable and fair cocoa sourcing and are packaged in an environmentally friendly way. The high-quality chocolate snacks are available both in bricks-and-mortar shops and in the online shop. The media investment is intended to help nucao to further increase its brand awareness in Germany, to push the sale of nucao articles and at the same time to expand all distribution channels even more.

With this investment, SevenAccelerator underlines its expertise in sustainably building up consumer-oriented start-ups through individually tailored investments in the form of media volume and significantly increasing their brand awareness via ProSiebenSat.1's high-reach TV and digital channels. The investment unit places particular emphasis on partnership-based support for the start-ups and close cooperation with their management teams. Using SevenAccelerator as a catalyst, the ProSiebenSat.1 Group can identify economic and social trends at an early stage and actively develop its portfolio across the Group. At the same time, the digital group becomes an essential pillar in nucao's marketing planning thanks to its expertise in addressing target groups. As part of the media convertible loan that SevenAccelerator is working with to build its portfolio, nucao's TV and digital advertising campaign already started last Monday.

Maximilian Jochim, Managing Director SevenVentures GmbH: "The fact that after KoRo and TiNDLE, another ambitious food start-up has decided to work with us in the long term underlines our expertise in brand building and the unchanged strength of TV as an effective advertising medium for consumer-oriented products. We tap into suitable target groups for nucao, for whom sustainable consumer behaviour as well as transparency and credibility of the companies whose products they buy are important. At the same time, the presence on our strong channels and platforms also increases the chances for nationwide listings in the retail trade."

For its part, nucao wants to use the media deal to expand the brand's sales channels through increased advertising presence. Parallel to the SevenAccelerator's entry, nucao was able to sign an extensive partnership with REWE, which includes the nationwide listing of various offerings such as chocolate bars, chocolate tablets and chocolate snacks. Further listings at drugstores such as dm are expected to help bring vegan chocolate further into the focus of consumer habits.

A series of point-of-sale promotions will additionally raise awareness at the start of the cooperation and highlight the added social value of sustainably produced and vegan chocolate in addition to the taste qualities of the products.

Christian Fenner, co-founder and CMO nucao: "The strategic partnership means we can both increase our brand awareness and spread our message for more sustainability in the chocolate segment. With our first TV campaign, we reach 25 million people who see the spot on average five times. This broad brand exposure brings us closer to our goal of making sustainable chocolates the standard on supermarket shelves. Our creamy recipes have what it takes to stand up to conventional chocolates while using significantly less sugar, no artificial additives or palm oil."

About SevenVentures: SevenVentures is the leading TV media investor and, as a company in the Commerce & Ventures segment of ProSiebenSat.1 Media SE, the optimal partner for high-growth consumer-oriented companies, especially from the consumer goods, retail and services sectors, that have the potential to achieve sustainable success through the use of TV advertising: In return for shares in their equity (media-for-equity) or revenue shares (media-for-revenue), companies receive advertising time on ProSiebenSat.1 stations in particular. In the Commerce & Ventures segment, ProSiebenSat.1 bundles the Group's minority and majority investment areas. In addition to SevenVentures with the SevenAccelerator, this also includes the investment unit SevenGrowth and the companies of NuCom Group.

About nucao: The Leipzig-based chocolate company nucao is sustainably turning the confectionery market upside down: founded in 2016 by three industrial engineers, the purpose-driven company is a pioneer for outrageously delicious and sustainable chocolate. All products are vegan, full of organic ingredients and fair trade cocoa from organic farming, and packaged in an environmentally friendly way in home-compostable cellulose film or paper. With this, nucao not only sets a new standard on the chocolate shelf, but also shows that positive business is no longer a utopia. On its mission, the B Corp-certified start-up supports reforestation projects in cooperation with Eden Reforestation Projects and has already been able to plant almost 14 million trees. The goal: 1 billion trees by 2035. #chocinglygood


Patrick Schmid

Communication Commerce & Ventures

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