Michael Ricardo Jesswein

Senior Manager Media Investment



Michael Ricardo Jesswein

Michael works as Senior Manager Media Investment at SevenVentures. He has experience in venture building and management consulting and holds an m. sc. in Eetrepreneurship & social innovation from the WFI - Ingolstadt School of Management. He is also the Co-Founder of a social initiative which supports children from lower income backgrounds. His NGO “Speed Up, Buddy!” organises mentorships for first-generation students and accompanies them through their university studies right up to the start of a successful career. In his free time Michael loves listening to rap music and is currently training for his first triathlon in the summer. 

»As a former day 1 employee of an ambitious startup, I have experienced many of the ups and downs that founder teams go through on their entrepreneurial journeys. I am now looking forward to switching sides, working with our partners and promising ventures to successfully tackle these obstacles in the near future. Staying hungry, staying foolish!«

Michael Jesswein - Senior Manager Media Investment

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